ASI to Become Official Member of SEDEX

ASI to Become Official Member of SEDEX

ASI to Become Official Member of SEDEX

Congratulations to the ASI Team! 

We are thrilled to announce that ASI has officially become a member of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), a globally recognized platform dedicated to improving ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains. 

This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct, transparency, and social responsibility in everything we do. By joining SEDEX, we are not only enhancing our capabilities to monitor and manage supply chain risks but also reinforcing our dedication to fostering positive impacts on the communities and environments where we operate. 

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to this significant milestone. Your hard work and dedication have been instrumental in making this possible. Together, we are setting a strong foundation for continued success and growth while promoting ethical practices across our entire supply chain. 

Let’s celebrate this achievement as we continue to work towards a brighter, more responsible future for all! 

About SEDEX 

Sedex is a not-for-profit membership organisation that works to drive improvements in business ethics and responsibility in the global supply chain since 2006. Currently, SEDEX has 85,000 members from across the world, 180 countries covered by SEDEX membership 

Sedex provides an online database that allows members to store, share and report on information in four key areas: 

  • Labor Standards 
  • Health and Safety
  • Environment
  • Business Ethics.  

Key requirements of Sedex  

  1. Forced Labour
  2. Freedom of Association
  3. Health and Safety
  4. Child Labour and Young Workers
  5. Minimum Wages
  6. Working Hours
  7. Discrimination
  8. Subcontracting, Outsourcing
  9. Discipline
  10. Other Issues (Right to Work, Migration and Labour Authorities, Environment, Business Practices) 

Asia Specialty Ingredients (ASI), part of Asia Ingredients Group (AIG), specializes in the production and global export of essential oils and natural aromatics. Our range of products is meticulously processed using only the finest natural ingredients sourced from the typical lands of Vietnam, including Cassia, Basil, Star Anise, and more, ensuring good product quality. Contact us for more collaboration opportunity!